Forms, shapes, colours, and textures discovered with a walk and a camera provide an endless source of inspiration for me. They are a huge part of my own creative process!
I love not only creating, but sharing and educating others on the diverse ways that art can help us to change, express, reflect, and bring wellness and balance to our lives. The act of making can bring us in a number of different directions – the making is just the vehicle. My art is often fiber related or nature inspired. It also draws from my life long love of baskets and basketry building techniques. It’s one of the things I love the most.
As an ex-classroom art instructor I’ve taught both old and young alike in a myriad of settings. With my teacher training and an enthusiasm to share my passions and skills, I love to encourage and coax the hidden or dormant creative streak that’s available to us all.
Everyone is creative and has the potential to discover the joyful and playful side of art or to tap into its’ power to express those things that words cannot. Whether you engage with art in the process of making or in the final stage of appreciating, we all get to experience the unique act of creative expression!